Feb 17, 2023IRS Issues New Guidance on R&D ExpensingThe Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department issued Revenue Procedure 2023-11 during the last week of December after a...
Feb 10, 2023IRS Tells Millions to Hold Off on Filing 2022 TaxesLast Friday, February 3rd, The IRS sent out a statement asking millions of taxpayers in 22 states who received tax rebates last year to...
Feb 3, 2023Growth Expectations Hike as 52% of Companies are involved in M&A ProcessesFinancial executives' 2023 plans are being put into action and comprise a variety of different strategies. Despite a recent slump in...
Jan 27, 2023Fair Tax Act May Put an End to the IRSOn January 23rd, 2023, the legislature passed a bill, the "Fair Tax Act," to strip the extra $80 billion for IRS funding for enforcement...
Jan 20, 2023Fluctuating Tax Rates Impact Global Companies and Their Headquarter LocationsBefore the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was enacted in December 2017, many Fortune Global 500 companies had moved their headquarters outside the...
Jan 13, 2023California Storm Extends April 15th Tax Deadline to May 15thThe Internal Revenue Service announced that California storm victims now have until May 15, 2023, to file various federal individual and...